General nokia's sites :

Nokia official site

Nokia Russia (in russian) russian nokia site

Our Nokia (in russian) phone models description, logos, music, guides, acticles, forums

Forums :

Nokia 5510 on Sotovik (in russian) information about 5510, forum, buying/selling

Forums on general questions, music and logos, programs, buying/selling

Forums on Nokia Flash Reverse Electronic Engineering strongly recommend to visit : Nokia General Discussion, Nokia series 55XX, Software - there you can find information about firmware, unlocking, programs for all nokia models and particularly for 5510

Naga prawda o Nokii 5510 Naked truth about nokia 5510 - Polish site

Software :

Logo Manager english program to manage nokia from pc

Oxygen Phone Manager russian alternative

WinTesla service software

Nokryptia the tool for Nokia 5510 (Linux) soft under Linux to upload mp3 files on noka 5510, it was first in own way , generated (in ascending order) '5510' (the compilation Nokryptia under Windows, this is command-line utility ), Nokia Audio Loader (NAL), Another Audio Manager (AAM)

FLNokryptia (Fast Light Nokryptia) (Linux) soft under Linux to upload mp3 files on noka 5510, as distinct from Nokryptia it have a GUI (by Miroslav V.Shaltev).

Another Audio Manager (AAM) for Nokia 5510 polish program from Konrad to upload MP3 and AAC files, have a very nice user-friendly interface (the buttons, progress etc.), allows to change bitrate (using LAME codec)

Better Audio Manager (BAM) for Nokia 5510 one more program to load MP3 files from Doug McPherson... have a modest title :)

Also regarding 5510 :

Official AAC site the 5510 can play this audio format

Official LockStream Corporation site they are coding the audio files on 5510 :(

Official ARM (Advanced Risc Machine) site nokia firmware works according to this

WAP links (for phone WAP-browser only):

'' wap version links, ringtones, etc.

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